Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When all else fails, breathe...

It seems so simple. Breathe. "But...!" you say: "I'm already breathing, or I wouldn't be here!!"
It's true.

It is also true that most of us are so busy or so preoccupied or so involved in making our lives work the way we have them set up, that we are not aware of who or what we are really about.

So: breathe.

Over the years, I've asked many groups to whom I've spoken to "breathe." In the moments following, I can see their faces soften and their chests rise, silently but in unison, to breathe. Breathe.

When you're stuck in traffic, breathe. When you're ready to yell at your kids, breathe. When you're rushing around your office, trying to do ten things at one time, breathe. When you have to wait in line at the post office and you don't have the time to spare, breathe. When all you can seem to do is to worry, breathe.

You can learn all sorts of special breathing techniques, if you'd like. For example, Dr. Andrew Weil, world-renowned wellness expert, suggests this way of breathing: breathe in to the count of 4; hold your breathe to the count of 7; breathe out to the count of 8.

I sometimes use Dr. Weil's way of breathing, when I have to wait to see the dentist, for example.

But being aware of your breath is easier than that. All you have to do is to notice. So... go ahead - breathe!


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