Saturday, September 22, 2007

Small Steps

How often has someone wanted to inspire you by saying: "Think big!" ???

Thinking big is how we like to think in our culture. Homes, fast food servings, travel trailers, businesses, churches... all seem to grow bigger as time passes.

Maybe it is time for you to "think big" in your life. If that's the case, then by all means, think big! But as you put your life plans into place, remember that you have to take small steps to get wherever it is you're going.

You've probably heard the story of the blind man who was asked how he climbed to the top of Machu Pichu. He answered: "one step at a time."

Sometimes in our desire to have more, to be more, to change more, or to think big, we can forget that whatever we do, we do in steps. Some of those steps can be small steps. In fact, some of the steps have to be small steps. If we want to learn to react in a different way to a difficult situation at work, for example, we may have to take small steps, one at a time, to change our reaction. We might have to give ourselves a break when we don't do it perfectly. We might have to start over, again and again.

Whatever challenges you are facing in your life right now, you have the power to face those challenges. Looking at the big picture, your personal challenges may seem insurmountable. They are not, however, if you take on the challenges with small steps.


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