Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lead with heart...

To the ancient people of the Middle East, the heart was the center of a person. The heart was the place where body, mind, and spirit came together. "Heart" was not only a place in the body, an organ. "Heart" was wholeness.

Look around you today. In our time and culture, we "lead" with our heads. In other words, we focus our attention on what we think, on our thoughts, on our reactions. We have to be ready with a quick response, with the right words, with an answer to everything.

Instead, practice "leading with heart" for one day. When you wake up in the morning, put your hand on your heart, on the place in your body where you can feel your heart beating. Say hello! Yes, go ahead, say hello to your heart! This is a way of remembering that your "heart" is your center.

Trust me here! Your mind, your thoughts, your brilliant ideas will not go away! When you practice "leading with heart," your thinking will be joined by other friends on the journey.

As I said before, look around you today. Our communities are in desperate need of those who "lead with heart." Our young people need adults who don't only lecture them; our young people need adults who have embraced their wholeness. Our cities need people who "lead with heart" to bring new ways of doing business to the table. Your partner needs you to embrace your heart as a way to connect.

When you "lead with heart," you call the heart out of others, as well.

Start a movement: "lead with heart." Try it, and let me know what happens!


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