Monday, September 17, 2007

Making friends with sorrow...

For many of us, time goes by so quickly and we don't have the minutes or the hours to really be present to our lives. One of the ways to be present is to honor, or to really feel, or to make friends with our feelings, whatever those feelings might be.

We "run away" from our feelings when we ignore them; we run away from our feelings when we discount our feelings in our decision-making; we run away from our feelings when we are unwilling to share our feelings with friends or partners; we run away from our feelings when we use food or alcohol or work or partying or _____ (fill in the blank) to distract us from our feelings. We know we have run away from our feelings when we totally confuse ourselves about our actions, our choices, or our abilities. Running away from feelings is simply another way to be controlled by feelings.

Make friends with your feelings. Whatever feeling comes, be grateful. Be grateful for depression, sadness, anger, rage, anxiety, sorrow. Since they have come, get to know them. While your feelings are here, find out what they have to teach you. Ask them questions. Listen for their answers. Give them a glass of water, and as you hand them the glass, look deep into their eyes to see what wisdom your feelings hold.

Make friends with sorrow, rage, anger, sadness and anxiety, and they will no longer control you. They will be your teachers.

What wonderful teachers you have!

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