Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Scratching the "to do" list

I usually have a "to do" list on my desk. Not always, but usually.

Sometimes, it's good to not have a "to do" list. Believe it or not, many of the real events of life have nothing to do with our "do-ing" or not. Running the world is not dependent on us! The world goes on with or without our intervention!

If you can, scratch your "to do" list for an hour, for two hours, for part of a day. If you don't have the luxury - it is a luxury to let go of your need "to do" something every moment - of an hour or two, or part of a day - then scratch your "to do" list for 15 minutes. Can you stand it?

Our "do-ing" is really about our need to control. Some of us - most of us! - get a lot of ego strokes by getting affirmed by what we "do." We begin to think that nothing will happen, that no one will be able to function without our doing something or everything.

Scratching the "to do" list is a spiritual practice. See what happens when you scratch the "to do" list for a few minutes. How do you feel? What do you tell yourself?

When we scratch the "to do" list, something amazing happens: life goes on!


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