Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Take a 15-minute vacation...

Most of us don't have or don't take the time for a bit of relaxation every day. One of the best ideas I've ever heard is the "15-minute vacation." The name gives it all away, but you get the idea.

Take a 15 minute vacation from your desk at work. Walk around the block. Really notice things you haven't noticed before. Be a site-see-er on your own turf! Look at things as if you were angling for the perfect shot to take home to show your friends.
Go into a favorite store and wander around for 15 minutes. Leave without buying anything.
Spend 15 minutes browsing at your favorite book-store. Sit down on one of the store's chairs with a book of photography, and take a trip that way! Sit for a few moments and do nothing - make that 15 long moments.
Take your kids on a 15 minute vacation. Do what your kids want for 15 minutes.

Allow yourself the gift of a 15 minute vacation. You'll make your day - and maybe everyone else's!


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