Friday, September 28, 2007

Pray for your enemies

Most of us have someone in our lives who causes us trouble. Maybe it's a neighbor we can't seem to get along with. Maybe it's a boss, or a co-worker who makes our work life miserable. Maybe it's a child with whom we are locking horns, all the time. Maybe it's our partner or spouse... The list goes on. You get the idea.

Here's a novel thought: pray for the person who's causing you to lose sleep, making your days miserable, taking too much of your thinking time and your energy.

Everyone in our lives is a reflection of ourselves, ultimately. When we pray for our "enemy," we are praying for a part of ourselves. Even though we might want to manipulate, harm, or get this person out of our lives, when we pray for them, we are seeking to help them and to help ourselves.

All you have to do is to pray for your "enemy." Simply ask God, or your Higher Power, or the Universe to bring light and love into their lives. You don't have to ask for anything more specific than that.

Pray for your "enemy" for 21 days, or a month. See what happens - to you, and to them!


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