Sunday, October 18, 2009

What You Want is Already Here

Dear Ones,

A long time ago, I looked up at a beautiful, star-lit winter sky as I left my office after working all day. I walked to my car with a friend. "I wish it was still light out," I said, innocently enough. "You're wishing your life away," she responded.

Many times through the years I've thought of her response. Many times I've thought that she answered out of some distant place in herself, a place that had heard those words many times, perhaps as a child. What child has not heard those words in response to a simple wish?

Other times, I think she was right. She is right. When I live my life wishing for something else, or wanting something else other than what I have now, today, in this time and place, I am wishing my life away.

I can choose to simply begin by being grateful for what I do have, for what abundance I am privileged to receive this moment, for all the simple and marvelous gifts that are part of every single day. If I have desires, so be it. I can be grateful for the simple and very human gift of desiring what I do not have, and I can relish in the desire itself.

What I want is already here. There is no where to go, there is no where to be except here, now.


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