Friday, October 23, 2009


Dear Friends,

You get to choose. We are not driven to hurt one another, to harm ourselves and other human beings. We get to choose. When someone responds to you with anger, you get to choose your response. You can respond with deep listening and respect for them as a human being. You get to choose. When life does not give you what you had wanted or expected, you get to choose. You can stand firm in your faith, you can trust in God’s goodness, and make your way through the deep journey of grief to the other side. You get to choose. When those around you are thriving on their fear and panic, you get to choose your response. When you choose, you may go on your way alone, or you may not.

You get to choose. You get to go deep into yourself, to that deeper place where truth lies. “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Salt is something elemental, basic, powerful, potent. “Have salt in yourselves.”

You get to choose to live from the elemental place of salt in yourself - or not.


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