Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Every moment...

Dear Ones,

Some of you may know the spiritual classic: The Practice of the Presence of God - Being the Letters and Conversations of Brother Lawrence. Brother Lawrence worked in the kitchen of a monastery. To Brother Lawrence, every moment was the time to pray. As he worked, he prayed. He found himself getting angry when there was a call to prayer, because it interrupted his continual prayer!

Brother Lawrence taught me, a long time ago, that there is never a time when I do not have the time to pray. Brother Lawrence taught me that life is a prayer. Whatever I am doing, whoever I am relating to, life gives me the opportunity to pray.

Pray, pray, pray!

Begin to think of your life as a prayer. Your life as a prayer does not mean you will "do" it perfectly, or always be nice, or always get it right! Even in a life of prayer, conflict, difficult people and situations arise. And in each situation, in each moment, you will know that you are connected, that this is the perfect moment, that all is well.

Have a wonderful day. Pray, pray, pray!

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