Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Feeble Reason!

Dear Friends,

We are a people of reason. We want to know the reasons for the actions that are taken. We want to know that reason was used to decide the action, even when we are clamoring for truth! Not long ago, I heard two linguists speaking on National Public Radio. They were discussing the leadership that is required in order for people to be open to a variety of opinions. What they suggested is that the engagement of both emotions and reason are necessary for leadership that includes differing points of view. In other words, the leader must be comfortable with discomfort – with her/his own discomfort. “The part of the human brain that reasons is feeble compared to the part of the brain that works on emotions.” And yet we are people who clamor for reason, and who not only seek to disregard but to discredit emotion; emotion is a more potent part of our make-up than reason!

Today, notice what you are feeling, as well as your thoughts. That's all - notice. Include your feelings in the equation!


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