Monday, October 20, 2008

Staying focused...

Dear Friends,

With all the important things we have to do, with our list of items to get done today, we may sometimes ask: What difference does it all make?

Some of the things you do today will be important. Some of the things you do will not be important. Take a look at your to-do list. Can you really discern what is important and what is not?

Stay focused on your own growth, your own journey as you travel through this day. With each action, make sure you are focused on your own spirit. Does this feed your spirit? Is there joy in what you do? Can you truly be grateful that you have this life, inhabited by these people, by these circumstances?

Stay focused on your gratitude, on your joy. Then every thing you do will be infused with a sense of purpose. Your presence in the world you inhabit will make a difference, then. It will be a small, quiet difference, but it will make a difference.


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