Monday, October 13, 2008

How not to get ahead...

Dear Friends,

I'm sure that many of the articles and advice we're all reading right now are based in fear; if the financial system is collapsing - at least in the form we have come to know the financial system - then we must all be on the brink of disaster.
Culturally, we are driven to "get ahead" of things. And the changes in the financial stability we've come to take for granted put us into fifth gear as far as getting ahead.

Our minds want to get ahead. Actually, our minds either want to get ahead or they want to go back to the past! None of us really knows the outcome of today's - or any day's - news. We may think we know, but how can we know when events haven't yet played themselves out? How can we know when each one of us may on the brink of some new creative way to live our lives? How can we know?

Stay in this moment. Breathe. Look at the world through the eyes of this moment.

Getting ahead isn't everything!

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