Friday, October 31, 2008

Remembering the Ancestors

Dear Friends,

Today is Halloween. This is the time of year when the "veil between the worlds" has traditionally been lifted. Tomorrow is All Saints' Day, the Christian time of remembering those who have passed on. "Diaz de la Muertos," Day of the Dead, has been celebrated for centuries in Mexico as a way to remember and honor the ancestors.

As the season passes from evenings of light to evening of shadow and darkness, take some time to remember your ancestors. You may remember them with love or their memory may bring anger. However they return in your memory, give thanks for them. If you have not forgiven them, pray that you will be able to forgive. Like us, they were simply living their lives as well as they could.

Use this time to remember those without whose lives you would not be here today. Give thanks. Give love.


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