Sunday, October 19, 2008

Standing Firm

Dear Ones,

Stand firm in yourself. In our culture, we think of standing firm as standing firm in what we think. But our thinking is only part of who we are. We need to stand firm in our whole selves: body, mind, spirit.

How do you do this? How do you stand firm? Core training helps! And getting to know yourself more deeply -getting to know your body-wisdom, your sensations, your feelings - helps, too.

Learn to take a moment to sense your whole presence in any situation. Doing this gets easier with practice. As a beginning, be aware of the soles of your feet as you walk. That's right, "think" about your feet, until you can feel them. Practice feeling the soles of your feet. Notice how you walk. Sense yourself as a whole body.

It's easy to get thrown off in an argument if the only part of yourself you bring is your head, your thinking. It's not as easy if you bring your whole self. Then you know you have more than simply your thoughts to "back you up."


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