Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lightening up...

Dear Friends,

If you are carrying too much with you these days, lighten your load. For you, that might mean going through your things to get rid of items you haven't used for years. That's a good way to begin. Lighten your load by lightening up on what you own. What you own, you have to take care of, after all. Taking care of it means time and energy.

We really lighten our load, however, when we surrender those things that don't serve us well. Our resentment and anger toward someone else probably doesn't hurt them at all, but it hurts us if we hold it inside of us. Our fears don't serve us; most of our fear is something we gathered around us to protect us a long time ago. Anxiety can be surrendered: anxiety is simply a rush of energy. Transform the energy by surrendering to it, and then letting it go.

Many of us won't admit to ourselves that we carry these things. We have talked ourselves out of the truth!

Practice lightening up. What can you surrender to the Universe today?

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