Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting to know fear

Dear Ones,

As we know, these are fear-ful times. None of us knows the outcome of current events, how they will play out, how long they will continue. We don't know whether these events are even "good" or "bad." Of course, it is our tendency to say they are, "bad," but we really don't know how they will play out, for any of us.

One thing that we can do during this time that will be very productive is to learn what we can about our fear. You may know you are afraid, or you may not. A fact of life is that we each have fear, and we each have our own way of dealing with fear. Some of us jump right into the fray when we are afraid. Some of us retreat. Some of us speed up. Some of us withdraw.

As a beginning, notice how you handle your fear. Then, talk to your fear! yes, talk to your fear! If you can, picture your fear, and have your fear sit in a chair across from you. Ask the fear where it comes from, and what it wants to say to you.

By relating to our fear, we begin to lessen its grip on us. We begin to learn from it, rather than be controlled by it.

Spend a little time with your friend, Fear, today!

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