Monday, September 22, 2008

What do you want, body?

Dear Friends,
I am learning to ask my body for advice, for the best advice it can give about itself. I am discovering that my body does, in fact, answer my questions.

For example, I am simply learning that my body likes to move. Of course, through the years I've moved to lose weight, moved to fit into my pants better, and moved because the doctor told me to move! Sometimes I've moved because someone said to move!

Lately, though, as part of my spiritual practice, I have been moving simply because it feels good to move. I get up from my desk more frequently, go up and down the stairs more frequently, walk when I could drive.

And I am also learning that my body likes to be listened to. When I listen and don't try to make my body change, it likes that!

What does your body want today?

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