Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Changing Seasons...

Dear Ones,

Today is the first full day of autumn, after our passage yesterday morning, the turning of the equinox.

Especially at the start of fall, we are aware of how things speed up. School begins, fall schedules begin, meetings seem to multipy, classes start up again, we make appointments we may have put off over the summer, and we work hard to get as much done as we can before the crunch of the holiday season.

In winter, we are often aware of how things "cocoon" - we try to get home earlier, with the darker evenings, we turn on more lights, we drink a few extra cups of tea.

Our lives have these seasons, as well. "For everything there is a season...," the Wisdom writer has reminded us. This may be a season of your life when you are changing, a season when you are feeling hopeless and uncertain; this may be a season when you are focusing on earning your way in the world, or building your community, or searching for a life partner; this may be a season when you are letting go of old ways of being, and are searching for a new identity; this may be a season when you are discovering that you are, like everyone else, growing up - or growing older!

Whatever season of life this may be for you, remember, all the seasons change, one season is constantly moving into another season. Who you are now is changing with the passage of the seasons.


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