Saturday, January 5, 2008

Enjoying what is given -

As I go through life, I am learning to enjoy every moment more. This has not been easy! Today as I look out my window, rain is pelting down and the wind is blowing hard. Here I am, inside my warm house, sitting by the fire, listening to gentle, favorite music. I can tell you that winter weather - snow or rain, which is winter here -has not always been my favorite weather. I prefer the sunshine to the rain.

As I go through life, though, I am learning to appreciate the beauty in any time, in any place, in any face. I am looking more closely at what I see. I am stopping more often to bend down to look at a flower, to pet a cat, to smell a rose. I am reaching for the child inside of me who knew what it was like to walk close to the earth and to be delighted at every new thing.

Like you, I have lots of things on my agenda. I have important meetings to go to, I have unfinished business, I have things I have to do. And I have this life - as it is given to me - to enjoy.

I can fret about the rain or I can be grateful for the beauty of winter wind and a warm house.


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