Monday, January 21, 2008


Today is an interesting day. For a few moments, rain is pouring down, straight down, like the water in a shower. At the same time, the sun seems to be shining, somewhere. Now, for a few moments, it looks like a perfectly sunny day.

Life would certainly be easier if it were one thing or the other. Happy or sad. Good or bad. Interesting or dull. But life is so often a mix of things. While we may be comfortable in one part of our life, we may be unhappy in another part of our life. Why can't we be just plain happy?

Lately I heard a quote: "Being an adult means being able to live with ambiguity."

As people who want answers, who want clarity, who want structure, it is often difficult to live in the mix of reality, where often life and people and situations are simply not clear. For me, prayer seems to be the only route I have to live within the ambiguity of my own life. One practice for your life at this time may be to simply live into whatever life offers you - clear or not. Drop into the reality of the ambiguity...


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