Tuesday, October 2, 2007

When you're changing...

Sometimes we get to choose to make changes in our lives. Sometimes - of course - life simply changes, and we have to adjust. But sometimes we get to choose to make changes.

Even when we choose to make changes in ourselves, how we live, how we react to others, how we communicate, how we take care of ourselves, change can be difficult. How can you continue to move forward when things aren't going as smoothly as you had hoped?

Take an inventory of what is going well as you change! What do you already have "under your belt?" What is going well? Even if today hasn't been a day when things have gone well, what things have gone well? Make a list. Think about the list. How did you feel when things went well, when you spoke up for yourself, when you were able to change your eating habits for a day or two, when you made a decision easily? Give yourself credit for the change you've already made, even if it hasn't gone perfectly.

Don't give up! When we are in the process of change, of course we have a tendency to go back to old habits and ways of behaving. Of course!!! "There I go again!" Think of a way your changes are working, and then move forward.

Build on what you've accomplished, and look for things to get easier and easier for you as you change.

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