Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fear and freedom

Dear Ones,

As we all know, and as we are reminded every single day, these are times that are filled with fear for all of us. While many of us have lives that continue as before the world financial crisis began, none of us is separated from what is happening all around us. We are all affected by the pervasive atmosphere of fear. The fear around us connects with the fear we each have inside of us, and we are all impacted.

We do have a choice, however. We can allow the fear to determine our choices and motivations. We can allow the fear to impact our attitudes. We can live in a state of fear. Or we can be free, remembering that the life we have been given has never really been dependent on the financial markets. We live in a much more grace-filled world than that, as big as the financial markets may seem.

Choose today. "Go slowly amid the noise and haste," trusting in Someone or Something greater than all the fear that can be rounded up in the world.

In fact, these times are good times for us all to grow in faith and in service to one another. They are another opportunity to be truly who we are.


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