Monday, December 31, 2007

At the end, at the beginning...

Dear Friends,
As 2007 ends, we can each take time to reflect on the past year. Where have I been? Where am I going? Is this the life I want to lead? What can I change about my life at this time? What can I put on hold for the time being?

The end of the year is simply another opportunity to reflect on your life, to surrender to those things that will not change, to decide what things you have the power to change. If you make resolutions, remember that you may not keep the resolutions perfectly, but they serve as a guide to move in the direction you would like to be moving.

Today - New Year's Eve - or tomorrow - New Year's Day, spend a few moments sitting quietly. Allow yourself to consider what your most heart felt dream is, at this moment in time. You may have more than one dream - but try to keep it to only 2 or 3 at the most! As clearly as you can, write your dream, or your intention, on a piece of paper. Place the paper in a place that is private and special to you, wherever that may be.

Now your intention, your dream, your prayer, is in the hands of God, of the Universe.
From time to time, remember that you are being led in the direction of your dream.

Happy New Year!

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