Monday, May 18, 2009

A beautiful place

Dear Friends,

When I'm feeling stressed, when I'm too lonely, when I'm afraid - I am learning that I can "redirect" myself to a lovely, calm, beautiful place - much as I'd direct a child who needs to have their attention redirected.

Here's what I do.
1. I acknowledge me feeling - yes, I'm "stressed" right now.
2. I remember a time (I have a particular time and place which is special to me in mind) when I was peaceful and calm and happy, a place in nature with someone I love dearly) and I capture that moment in my thoughts.
3. I hold that place over my heart, remembering the feelings, the smells, the sounds, the colors, the beauty of that moment.
4. I say a silent: "thank you" for that time and place.

Carry a beautiful place with you all the time.

Blessings to you all,

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