Monday, May 18, 2009

A beautiful place

Dear Friends,

When I'm feeling stressed, when I'm too lonely, when I'm afraid - I am learning that I can "redirect" myself to a lovely, calm, beautiful place - much as I'd direct a child who needs to have their attention redirected.

Here's what I do.
1. I acknowledge me feeling - yes, I'm "stressed" right now.
2. I remember a time (I have a particular time and place which is special to me in mind) when I was peaceful and calm and happy, a place in nature with someone I love dearly) and I capture that moment in my thoughts.
3. I hold that place over my heart, remembering the feelings, the smells, the sounds, the colors, the beauty of that moment.
4. I say a silent: "thank you" for that time and place.

Carry a beautiful place with you all the time.

Blessings to you all,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Be sure to ask

Dear Friends,

Be sure to ask for what you need or want today. Go ahead - ask.

Ask yourself: what do I need today?

Ask for help: ask a friend or your partner if you think you need help. Go ahead - ask.

And ask God - ask the Universe - ask the Buddha - ask Mary - ask Jesus - for what you want. Go ahead - ask.

What you need is on the way!


Monday, May 11, 2009

"God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good."

Dear Ones,

"God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good."

This expression is common in African-American worship. I have found it to be true in my life.

As you make your way today, as you begin this week, look for God's goodness. Find signs of God's goodness wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you meet.

As my mom used to say: "keep your eyes peeled." Keep your eyes and your heart and your ears peeled to the signs of God's goodness.

Enjoy the goodness!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It is absolutely true!

Dear Ones,

It is absolutely true: we are reflections of one another.

If you are searching for peace in your life, then you must first find that peace within yourself. If you are looking for someone to like you, then you must first like yourself. If you want the world to be a friendlier place, then you must be friendlier. If you want the people in your life to be more loving, then you must begin to love - yourself, your closest family and friends, and others.
If you want people to smile when you pass them on the street - smile!

It is absolutely true: we are reflections of one another.
