Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Go outside

Dear Ones,
So many of us have lives that are focused indoors. We forget to get outside even for a few minutes to enjoy the sun, feel the rain, know the cold, see the movement of nature, the birds, little animals. Those who are close to God are often close to nature, as well.

Today - make some time to be outdoors. If you are ordinarily active, stop for a few moments, see, hear, smell, taste, feel what is around you. If you are not active, make sure you go outside just for a few moments. Sit if you must. Enjoy.

Look around. See if you can know the absolute silence that accompanies every living thing as it grows, blooms, dies for the winter, and waits to be born again in the spring.

This, too, is the absolute silence that accompanies - and is creating - you.


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