Friday, February 27, 2009

Simply ask...

Dear Friends,

Jesus' words: "Ask and it shall be given" are 100% true.

Ask to go inside, to the deepest part of yourself, and it is already given. Simply ask to be taken to that larger place, that place that connects to you all of humanity, that shining light, and it is already given.

So often we want to use thoughts to go into ourselves. But all it takes is one thought: "please..." and you will find yourself there - home!



Thursday, February 26, 2009

What is your image?

Dear Friends,

What is your image for this time of your life? Give this question a few moments' thoughts, and see if a picture comes into your mind, or a word, or if a particular feeling arises.

At this point, I am like a little red robin with a bright red breast sitting on the branches, soaked with rain, and singing its wild and beautiful song into the wind. I can see the little heart beating. And I can see that - though its song is beautiful and vivid - the little robin is not yet ready to leave the familiar branches to fly off into the larger world. For now, this is the place to sing its song.

What are you like?


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There is a place of silence

Dear Friends,

There is a place of silence. Find it now. It is here, with you, in you, and around you. You are in it.

Most of the world is noisy. Maybe your life is noisy. If there is a lot of drama in your life - and who hasn't had drama - then you know noise! And of course, your mind - my mind, everyone's mind - is noisy.

But all of this is held in Great Silence.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Go outside

Dear Ones,
So many of us have lives that are focused indoors. We forget to get outside even for a few minutes to enjoy the sun, feel the rain, know the cold, see the movement of nature, the birds, little animals. Those who are close to God are often close to nature, as well.

Today - make some time to be outdoors. If you are ordinarily active, stop for a few moments, see, hear, smell, taste, feel what is around you. If you are not active, make sure you go outside just for a few moments. Sit if you must. Enjoy.

Look around. See if you can know the absolute silence that accompanies every living thing as it grows, blooms, dies for the winter, and waits to be born again in the spring.

This, too, is the absolute silence that accompanies - and is creating - you.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Remember there is more -

Dear Friends,

When times are tough, when we have worries, it is easy to be trapped into thinking that this is all there is.
It's true: financial markets have crashed, many are worried about losing their jobs and their healthcare,
lines for job openings are longer than ever before, and many among us have lost their homes. It seems as
if the world as we knew it has crashed around us, and we're sitting in the middle of the heap. All of this is

Whatever your problems today, whatever hard task you must do because times are tough, remember that there
is more. There is an unseen - and very real - reality that may hold the answers to some of your hardest problems
and worries.

Speak to that reality now. I know, and many who have gone before us know, that your prayer will be answered.

